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    主演:让-皮埃尔·马里埃尔 克洛德·皮埃普吕 让娜·古皮尔 Dolores McDonough 
    • 八戒线



    • 饼干简介
    This 一九七五 s original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle , is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting Once he is invited but im span a href "javascript:void 0 " class "j a show full" 展开全数 a span span class "all hidden"   This 一九七五 s original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle , is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting Once he is invited but immediately expelled when he wants to unfold her traditional ribbon Henri Serin falls for a very young woman which he can seduce while making a portrait of her His only friend is a modernist priest Romain Bouteille who likes to talk with him in the local bar Henri Serin does not think of tomorrow and lives quot la vie d artiste quot Life is beautiful and sex is life 。本视频《饼干》由12306影视-播播影院m12306.com收集自网络发布。如果您喜欢12306影视-播播影院提供的



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