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    主演:Janina Rudenska Joanna Opozda 安德烈·伊森科 Aleksandr Polovets 安德烈·莫斯特连科 
    导演:Olesya Morgunets-Isaenko 
    • EE线



    • 钟声颂歌简介
    p   Ukrainian folk song quot Shchedryk quot which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of quot Carol of the Bells quot The film is a symbol of unity of nations like the song quot Shchedryk quot - quot Carol of the Bells quot The epitome of the globe in the film is a large two-story house where three families of different nationalities live together like three countries on Earth They live peacefully and amicably until the invaders come to their home, namely like they came to all of Europe, and ruin their piece as well as the world one However, a little talented girl believes in the power of magic of quot Shchedryk quot and sings this song trying to restore the good by herself Today this film is more actual than ever History repeats itself Many people go through the separation of nations refusing good While watching a sweet talented child on the screen, people will be reminded what indifference and dissension may lead to The song that unites all nations p 。本视频《钟声颂歌》由12306影视-播播影院m12306.com收集自网络发布。如果您喜欢12306影视-播播影院提供的



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